Why is Ta Prohm interesting?? is because, the temples here are the most destroyed!!! meaning tat they are most ruined...hahaha...as in the temples most of them have already fallen apart or are in the midst of falling apart... and u'll be able to see lots of rubble on the ground...and its not easy to walk around this temple compound... but restoration work by some groups have built a sort of wooden walkway in the temple compound to allow us to walk around the area in a safe manner.... and u know wat??? all the temples in this compound are not being destroyed by humans but they were and are still being destroyed..... so who is the real culprit?? the real culprit is Mother Nature!! =D
we've got to walk thru the sandy path in the jungle... and at the entrance of the path, there was a group of musicians! this is not usual group of people making music to entertain us tourisits!!! Upon close observation u'll realised tat thi group of people making music are all men and they are victims of mine fields! yeah yeah.... there are still many parts of Cambodia with numerous mine fields... and all these mines were planted in the lands due to the numerous wars tat Cambodia was engaged in, in the past... and juz about 30 yrs ago, Cambodia was in a nightmare under the regime of Pol Pot!
And when u're in this compound, seeing the tree growing all over the temples u'll be really amazed!!! hahaha...and one of my frens commented tat the temples are even older than the temples!!! hahaha.... and tat's y u can see roots growing over the walls or over the temples... =D
all these huge trees are unlike trees tat u see in other parts of the Angkor Temple!! these trees are humongous!!! hahaha.... yeah...talk so much about trees... but then in this area... the famous thing is about the trees... then one very very famous tree is called the "The Tomb Riader Tree'!!!
and not joking its called the 'Tomb Riader' Tree because a few years back, Hollywood brought the whole crew to this place and film the show.... yeah yeah... Angelina Joline was there to film the show!!! hahahha..... so u can say tat this temple became very famous becoz of the show & also the famous stars!! =D of coz we stood there and took pictures lah... but the sad thing was we had to finght with the other group of tourists in order to take a couple of sec photo....

yeah... the irritating and sickening thing was....at that time we were in that temple compound, there were many tourists groups there!!! hmmm...seems like tourisits groups like to visit the Ta Prohm tamples in the afternoon...coz in the previous yr when i was there... i also visited Ta Prohm in the afternoon and we difficulty walking around the temples... coz there are too many people... (swamps of people). so u know wat the 5 of us did??? hahhaa... we split into 2 groups and juz walkd around taking as many pictures with the numerous famous trees.... hahaha...yeah yeah... and i managed to take a nice photo of an interesting tree, and the roots or trunk split into 2!!

then there was another interesting tree, whose trunk grew along a temple wall... and it was known as the 'Snake Tree"!!! hahhaa... coz the huge trunk gowing along the temple wall is almost shaped like a huge pyton & tat's y this name! =D

and there was another very interesting tree... this tree has hundreds or thousands spliting of its trunk... and all these spliting of the trunk made some sort of shapes or forms... but i din go closer to look at the shapes...coz we were rushing... and other toursits wanted to take pictures with the tree.... hahaha....=D

yeah...after all the picture taking session, we quickly rush back to our tuk tuks.... hahaha...

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