was writing this entry then realised tat there are so many things to write tat i think i'm going to break up this day into 2 or 3 entries... =D
Yup! this is the final day in Siem Reap and YES!!! we're going to see the majestic Angkor Temples!! (hahahaha.... this is one of my favourite places)
As usual, we woke up extremely early tis morning... and packed our breakfast (sandwiches tat we bought the night before. I shared mine (omelette & baugette) with keiko, harumi & keiko) then we head off to Angkor Wat, which is our 1st destination tat day. and whilst we sat in the tuk tuks begin driven there, the siem reap streets were already starting to be awake...meaning tat u're able to see tuk tuks with passengers. and most of these tuk tuks were heading to the angkor temples. =D
well, u'll be thinking y did we take the tuk tuk... other than because its early in the morn and u can't see or know the streets well, the other reason is because, the Angkor Temples compound is too huge.... and its not possible to cover the entire area by foot.... tourists usually will either take the tuk tuk or if they are very adventurous will rent bikes to cycle round the area... but tat way will not be able to cover the whole area in 1 day...

and it was really cold in the early morning... and worse still no street lamps... so u can say hahaha... the streets were a little eerie and worse when we enter the jungle coz all around u can hear those insects making some noise in the jungle and it was even colder as we enter the jungle.

and it was really cold in the early morning... and worse still no street lamps... so u can say hahaha... the streets were a little eerie and worse when we enter the jungle coz all around u can hear those insects making some noise in the jungle and it was even colder as we enter the jungle.
hiaz.. by now u'll be thinking why make urself suffer so much right?? hahaha... we've got a hidden agenda one... coz we want to go and capture the sunrise over at angkor wat!!! hahaha... yeah tat's wat we wanted to do... and when we reached there, immediately the 5 of us headed to the lotus pond and stood there to wait admist the huge crowd.... hmmm... wonder what time those tourists were already waiting there huh??

coz they reach the place even earlier than us (we reached at 5.20am) coz most of the professional photographers already set up their tripod stand to get ready to take the perfect shots!! hahaha... and soon, 6.10am, came... and u kno wat?? all the cameras were directed toward the direction where the sun will rise... and the 4 of us (except keiko, coz she went to another place to take picture) stood there and wait and we see the skies getting brighter and more orangey... then suddenly, toshiko turned to me and commented "The sun has risen! but no sun!!" and that's when i realised tat the professional photographers already packed their tripod stands and left the place! hahaha... wat a disappointment! the clouds were too low and thick, so it was not possible to view the sun rising... hahaha...

anyway later when i talked to our tuk tuk driver (coz he asked us if we managed to capture nice pictures of the sun-rise) and he told us tat at this time of the year, its not possible to see the sun rising due to the thick clouds. hmmm... and the colder the morning, the thicker the clouds... so we learning something interesting today huh!!
anyway, after the sun rise, we head off to Angkor Thom 1st! and this is one of the 3 major sites we'll be visiting in the Angkor Temples. y did we head here 1st instead of climbing up Angkor Wat is becoz, there are too many tourisits there... so it makes it very difficult for us to walk around and view the temple to our hearts content... so our tuk tuk drivers with wisdom, drove us to Angkor Thom 1st... and both Keiko & me managed to stop our tuk tuk driver at the South Gate. As we wanted to take a very nice picture with the gate at the background.

in my last trip to the Angkor Temples, tat time, my tuk tuk driver told us (my frens & I) that the South Gate was used by the soldiers & warriors to enter the temple. and in times of battles, the soldiers and warriors when won the battles will then enter Angkor Thom via the East Gate which is also known as the "Victory Gate' (we'll be using it later). However, if there were to lose in the battle, then they will need to use the West Gate and tat is also known as the 'Death Gate or 'Hell Gate'. hmmm very interesting right?? =D

in my last trip to the Angkor Temples, tat time, my tuk tuk driver told us (my frens & I) that the South Gate was used by the soldiers & warriors to enter the temple. and in times of battles, the soldiers and warriors when won the battles will then enter Angkor Thom via the East Gate which is also known as the "Victory Gate' (we'll be using it later). However, if there were to lose in the battle, then they will need to use the West Gate and tat is also known as the 'Death Gate or 'Hell Gate'. hmmm very interesting right?? =D
anyway, when we were in Angkor Thom, our tuk tuk driver dropped us off and told us to walked around until we want to go to the next temple, then we go back and look for them. So with the guidebook in hand, we decided to climb & explore Bayon 1st!
Bayon is one of the majestic temples found in Angkor Thom and its one tat u can't miss it coz its sort of situated right in the center of Angkor Thom area. This temple is very special because on each of the stupas, u there are 4 faces per stupas! and these faces are the replica of the Buddha, Deties etc. with a serene smile on their faces and these faces are staring down coldly were u to look up at them...

perhaps is because of the faces... but its juz tat when u're at the temple, it juz feel very cold.... and the temple here are very black and grey... hahaha... anyway we stayed for awhile and took quite a no. of pictures before heading to another temple tat is beside Bayon.

We went to Baphuon but could not enter the temple as its was under re-construction... hmmm quite disappointing... coz it was the 2nd largest temple in the Angkor Thom area.

when we were at Baphuon, 1 Cambodian guy started explaining to us about Baphuonthen.... in fact he was explaing to Toshiko rather than us coz he invited her to go down and take pictures of the columns whilst the rest of us were on top....and i told the rest (except Toshiko) that this guy muz be up to no good.... and they asked me y... then i tell them tat when someone u dun kno is very nice to u... then most likely tat person is up to no good... so cannot anyhow trust people... and true enough, later when Toshiko came and join us, she told us tat the guy asked her for money... yeah... so when u're in these 3rd world countries.... its really really very important tat u're very alert and weary of people!!! =D
we head down to Phimeanakas and also another temple tat was deep in the jungle! hahaha... but tat was a well wort trek coz when we reached the temple we were awed & amazed by it! coz the temple was sort of being destroyed by the huge trees! if u dun believe take a look at the amazing trees urself!

when we were at Baphuon, 1 Cambodian guy started explaining to us about Baphuonthen.... in fact he was explaing to Toshiko rather than us coz he invited her to go down and take pictures of the columns whilst the rest of us were on top....and i told the rest (except Toshiko) that this guy muz be up to no good.... and they asked me y... then i tell them tat when someone u dun kno is very nice to u... then most likely tat person is up to no good... so cannot anyhow trust people... and true enough, later when Toshiko came and join us, she told us tat the guy asked her for money... yeah... so when u're in these 3rd world countries.... its really really very important tat u're very alert and weary of people!!! =D
we head down to Phimeanakas and also another temple tat was deep in the jungle! hahaha... but tat was a well wort trek coz when we reached the temple we were awed & amazed by it! coz the temple was sort of being destroyed by the huge trees! if u dun believe take a look at the amazing trees urself!

after tat we head down to take a look at the famous Elephant terrace 

and I also took a picture with the Leper King... which was explained in the guidebook that the Leper King did not have a gender!! (Imagine tat!!) hahaha.. so tat means he/she was neither guy nor gal huh...

and I also took a picture with the Leper King... which was explained in the guidebook that the Leper King did not have a gender!! (Imagine tat!!) hahaha.. so tat means he/she was neither guy nor gal huh...

then we went to some 1/2 destroyed structures tat were on the opposite side of the road North & South Kleang). These are not really temples hmmm.. the guidebook says that the buildings were built by the king for entertainment... meaning tat between each building, a string will be strung from 1 building to the next and this was for the tight-rope walkers to walk (perform) and also when there are no performances, the buildings are used to keep convicts/prisoners!! hahaha... interesting huh!!

after exploring the place, we went for our lunch! after lunch, we head down to Ta Phrom!! =D can't wait to see the temples in Ta Prohm again!! =D

after exploring the place, we went for our lunch! after lunch, we head down to Ta Phrom!! =D can't wait to see the temples in Ta Prohm again!! =D
anyway, at this time, Keiko told me tat she was feeling uncomfortable in the abdomen area and she kept having diarrohea... hmm... i din bring any medication out... so i can't help her either... so she has to go to the toilet now and then....
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