its true tat we'll complain and complain of all the things tat we're unhappy about... but to actually work in a 3rd country really calls for lots of tremendous courage and Buddha's compassion... and to actually think that in the past when i was younger, i had thought of working in 3rd world countries to help the poor... but having seen the living conditions of the people in these countries... hmmm... somehow i would want to help... but definitely not for long time.... =D
and yes! we're heading back home... as usual we woke up very early today as our flight is leaving Siem Reap airport for KL at 8.30am. but to travel from our guesthouse to the airport takes about 20-30min by taxi.... play safe, we took the taxi from our guesthouse at 6am.... so tat we can reach the airport by 6.30am.

and this day.... Toshiko was feeling badly.... hmm... in fact she was suffering from fever and also a little stomachache.... yeah... i've not idea... what was the cause of her illness.... anyway she told me tat she has taken some japanese shld be ok.
then once we checked in our baggage... i fact i checked in 2 baggage and altogether my baggage was 17kg!!! imgaine tat! i mean when i 1st started on our trip, my baggage was 9kg.. and at the end of the trip, my baggage not increased, but increased by a lot!!! almost 10kg more (coz have not counted the 2 extra hand carry).
then we went to a nearby cafe in the airport for our breakfast... yeah...we were really famished... and the food at the airport was really cut-throat prices manz!!! yeah....but no choice..we've got to eat... coz later at KL we'll be there for about 3hrs before boarding the bus to S'pore.. and somemore... there are no food served on the bus... so better to eat a heavy breakfast at siem reap airport. =D

by this time, toshiko was feeling rather bad... hmmm... she was sleeping most of the time...
the flight to KL was abt 2hrs.... and most of us juz slept on the plane... hahaha... coz there is nothing much we can do. =P
when we touched down, the 1st thing we did was to go and purchase the taxi ticket that will drive us to Pudu Raya Bus-station... hmmm.. this is where we'll be boarding the bus to s'pore. and u kno what? when i went to enquire about the pricing of the taxi, they told me tat we;ve got to get the big taxi as we've got 5 of us and we've got so much luggage. and the price of the taxi is RM 136.8 lor!!! wah lao eh... so expensive lor... i mean even though the taxi ride from airport to the city center is about 1hr... but this does not mean tat u can charge us such cut-throat prices lor...

but because, by now, both keiko & toshiko are not feeling really well, we've got no choice... we juz purchase the ticket... yeah.. safety 1st now...
then we went to macdonals to eat something... and toshiko, surprisingly, she was ok already! so she purchase a huge meal to eat... whilst for keiko i let her drink the medication to stop diarrohea and herbal tea... after staying there until 2pm, we went to take the taxi. immediately after the lunch, toshiko started to feel very bad... think she was not healed completely, she went to take such a big and unhealthy meal... think tat was the cause tat she felt nauseas, stomachache etc... anyway... we juz told her to rest all the way to Pudu Raya....whilst i had a simple conversation with teh taxi driver, keiko & harumi were talking and laughing at the back... hahaha... nobuko & toshiko slept all the way to the bus-station. =P

Once i've managed to find out the row we've got to wait for the bus, i vrought the rest of the gals there and we helped toshiko to carry her luggage... coz she was in no position to carry her things... and then we sat there and wait... . i kept checking to see if we were able to board the bus... the bus was not to be seen....
but luckily, i happen to ask around (and they were fellow s'poreans) they told me tat they were also waiting for the bus... then i think it would be better if we bring our luggage down to the place where the buses are... so tat we can keep a lookout for the bus... coz its weird tat now, the bus has not reach the station yet! in fact i was also a little worried... tat we were not able to get on the bus... so i've got to be near the buses so tat i can kno wat's happening...
then as we were bringing down our bags to the buses (basement where the buses are), i saw those passengers whom i talked to juz now started to move towards 1 malay lady who was shouting... then i realised tat the bus had stopped outside of the bus station adn we had to carry our bags there in order to board the bus... goodness!!! really choatic there manz!
so i sent keiko up to call down nobuko & toshiko, whilst harumi & i try to shift the baggage to the bus... and to be frank i never thought tat i had so much muscles lor!! coz on my back, i was carrying my 12kg bagpack, in front was my 5kg backpack. on my right had was keiko's 15kg bag and the other hand was my other baggage.... wah... come to think of it.. it was really amazing tat i was able to carry all these and walk about 300m to the bus... hahahaha... =D
harumi carried her bag, toshiko's bag and nobuko's bag... hahaha... when u see the both of us then, its really unbelievable! hee hee... super women power huh!! =P
anyway, after we've managed to board the bus then did i feel completely relieved & happy tat the trip is almost over & i've done what i needed to do!!

hahaha... yeah... and when we've finally reached s'pore safely, i was really happy coz i believe there are quite a no. of people who knew tat i was going for this trip and the 1st sentence they commented was 'wouldn't tat be very dangerous?' and i think some may also think whether the 5 of us will be able to come back in 1 whole peice after the 15 days... hahaha... i mean i ws most worried abt teh safety part coz Watanabe-san has told me to take care of the gals... so u can say tat i've got a tremendous heavy responsibility for the gals safety.... but i'm really very happy that we've not only managed to come back safely but also had lots of fun and also a very educational trip! =D
hahaha.... i'll love to go on other backpack trips in the future! =Dwhen we reached pudu raya.... keiko was sick, toshiko even more sick... hiaz... i had to walk around to find the Tanstar booth, to check in for us then we can know which is the row we had to wait for the bus... and my goodness! the whole Pudu Raya bus-station is really chaotic manz... coz people are all over the place pushing and shouting... really unbelievable! People were shouting coz they were trying to get people's attention to purchase their bus company's buses.

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